October 15, 2000 ~~~ Sunday ~~~ 11:56am ~~~ 7#2.7oz ~~~ 19" ~~~ Birth Stone: Opal ~~~ Birth Flower: Calendula or Marigold ~~~ Born in the Year of the Dragon ~~~ Astrological Sign: Libra ~~~ I'm 3'6" tall ~~~ I'll start Kindergarten in 2006 ~~~ I'll graduate with the Class of 2019 ~~~ My Saint: Martyr Isaiah at Caesarea ~~~ Name Day: Feb 29/Mar 1 ~~~ www.geocities.com/familyaunaturale7/Bailey.html

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Audiology and Speech

I just thought I would give a quick update:

TUBES - Pre-Op appointment on February 28 @ 9am... he'll have another audiology exam and fluid check. If these things come out the way they should then surgery will be cancelled. But if there is little to no improvement then surgery will take place as scheduled on March 1... Time TBA.

SPEECH - I've begun the arduous task of compiling all the paperwork required for the speech evaluation. It'll be awhile just for the mere fact we're having to wait on his birth certificate to arrive from San Diego. Otherwise, everything else is pretty much taken care of, just in need of making copies of things and getting one thing notorized.

Otherwise, Bailey is doing great! He's recovered from his chicken pox quite well and hasn't gotten sick afterwards like Madison has.


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